Patch v0.9.0 to v0.9.12
Coronation » Devlog

New Features and Changes:
- World Save System.
- New Island map.
- New dungeons: Bandit Campsite, Zombie Labyrinth, Knight Stronghold.
- New farms system and Farmer job Build a Farmland that has 9 slots for crops, till the land, water them and watch them grow until harvest.
- New requirements to proceed to Copper and Iron tiers. You will have to defeat the Zombie Boss to be able to make Copper items, and the Knight Boss to to be able to make Iron items.
- Enemy waves will now be dependent on which island your castle is built at. Detailed information is shown in a draft map below.
- F5 will now affect all AI under your control as a global command.
- Adjusted candle lights to be less green.
- Blacksmiths will use the most common rarities of ores and wood to make equipment.
- Improved AI line of fire, to only shoot visible targets.
- Chat will always be shown.
- Added 3 more views of each town in the town panel.
- Important controls are shown at the bottom left (idle, combat, building, sleeping/sitting).
- Bag, stockpile and chest slots increased from 30 to 100.
- Enemies will attack your buildings more frequently.
- Added new command for people to drop all items at the stockpile.
- All villagers will enter combat when enemies are seen.
- The number of enemies in a wave follows your current population.
- AI should change targets when unable to shoot enemy.
- Blacksmithing uses rarest resources instead of most common.
- Made fires are slightly dimmer.
- Made dungeon bosses located to be deeper in their dungeons.
- F4 scatter command sends people further away.
- Enemies at camps will run back to their camps, to prevent players from luring armies into each others' castles, and will also stop disappearing halfway during battle.
- You can now recruit better mercenaries with higher levels at the merchant: Level 50 for 30k gold, and Level 100 for 100k gold.
- NPCs will be saved just like player characters, their names, positions, current jobs, skills, levels, and items.
- PvE and PvP statuses are removed. Instead, anyone can declare war with another, provided the other party accepts.
- Added a functional berry farm in Caringtown.
- Build height limit decreased from 30 to 20.
- Added instant teleport ability to Caringtown only usable during peacetimes.
- Villagers will stop working or training when the player is offline. Instead, they will go back to their beds to sleep.
Bugs Hopefully Fixed:
- Villagers not working when player goes offline.
- Able to equip multiple weapons by quickly changing them.
- Able to be declared war upon even when PvE mode.
- Berries hogging up in AI's inventories.
- Villagers not depositing berries and cotton.
- Sound and music settings not being saved.
- Blacksmith restrictions not unlocking.
- Blacksmith showing wrong items from dropdown menu.
- Unable to demolish Wood Doorway.
- Still playing wolf sound as wave notification.
- Farming with weapon gives inventory full message.
- Villagers having slow movement speed.
- Unequipping a weapon completes the bandit boss quest.
- Enemies not damaging buildings.
- NPCs not attacking enemies.
- World save mixing up town ownerships and banner icons and colors.
- NPCs keep repeating "Need to build a stockpile".
- Enemy waves not happening during night.
- AI unable to attack.
- Trainees not going back to training after engaging with enemies.
- NPCs unable to attack enemies.
- Random player's town getting wiped after a server restart.
- NPCs unable to attack enemies.
- Villagers having slow movement.
- Enemy camps not respawning.
- Selling popup when clicking on item.
- Enemies not attacking after going back to camp.
- Villagers and enemies attacking as unarmed.
- Guards keep going back to their positions.
- Enemies not having correct levels.
- Current population not reflecting correct values.
- Berry and Cotton farm not working properly.
- Current population not reflecting correct values.
- Instant teleport to caringtown not working.
Files 1.6 GB
Version 63 Nov 24, 2021
Online Open-World Medieval Game
Status | In development |
Author | Mbdot00 |
Genre | Simulation |
Tags | Action-Adventure, City Builder, coronation, Life Simulation, Medieval, Multiplayer, Perma Death, Unreal Engine |
Languages | English |
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