Patch 0.12 to 0.12.10 - Friends List, Interactive World Map, Fast Travel and New Official Website

Visit our new Official Website

New Features:

Friends list: 

- Add players to your friends list to enable them to build, demolish and stay (shared Town banners, marketplaces, stockpiles, bed count) in your castle. Only owners can demolish the town banner.

Interactive World Map:

- The world map will display current location, friends, castles in map, their owners and the date of when it is built.

Fast Travel:

- Fast Travel to different towns using a Caravan.

New Changes or Fixes:

- Completing the first quest will unlock the second and third quests, meaning that founding a town becomes optional.

- Decreased movement speed due to the availability of Fast Travel.

- Added back Idle command.

- Shifted town loading messages to notifications to prevent message spam.

- Increased costs of building parts and furniture.

- Adjusted the Double Royal beds model to not go through the ceiling from below.

- The towns that are nearer to you will load first followed by the rest.

- Adjusted volume of tilling sounds and volume of sounds based on distance.

- Made arrival of caravans to become guaranteed in case of bad pathing.

- Only one player can access the stockpile at any time.

- Towns not loading.

- UI disappearing after declining a friend request.

- Town buttons being blocked in World Map.

- Starting quest not activating.

- Being able to build ceilings in each other.

- Unable to access stockpile and loot bags.

- Items disappearing from stockpile.

- 2 players being able to access an inventory at the same time.

- Town Banners are clickable in the World Map.

- Stockpile duplication.

- Rug model adjusted to show more detail when further away.

- Bed Chests not being accessible. 

- Castles not loading properly, and double doorways are removed temporarily due to loading issues.

- World save.

- Spiral staircases removed due to duplication errors.

- Fast travel will make you invulnerable to damage.

- NPCs will go offline after 1 hour when a player goes offline for optimization. They will be saved into the player's save data and come back when the player is online again. 

- Ceiling's LODs are adjusted to not clip the foundations.

- Building the town banner on the Copper Desert Island requires you to complete the 'Attacking the Bandit Campsite' quest first.

- Building the town banner on the Iron Mountain Island requires you to complete the 'Clearing out the Zombie Labyrinth' quest first.

- World Map town buttons of online players will be shown with (Online) below their town names.

- Fixed Wood, House and Stone Wall LoDs.

- Villagers respawning with matchlocks.

- Caravans/Wagons can be seen from afar.

- House inverted roof triangles appearing as wood triangles.

Files 1 GB
Version 79 Dec 10, 2021

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